At the beginning of May, Timeless Arts premiered their 2024 theatre production, The Phantom of the Opera, at the Kampala Serena’s Victoria Conference Hall. Like other events such as fashion, concerts, and product launches, they are grand, with...
Masque theatre is hosting Cape Town Theatre Company’s A picture of Dorian Gray. “A Picture of Dorian Gray, not ‘The’ Picture—one person’s vision only” Playwright and director, Liz Roodt insists. It is the ‘60s, Dorian is a celebrity...
The African Theatre Magazine invites applicants to the second edition of the Writing about African Arts workshop. Since 2018 The African Theatre Magazine’s goal has been to offer diverse narratives and nuances on African arts and culture through...
The African Theatre Magazine invites applicants to the first ever Writing about African Art workshop. Program Description The Writing about African Art Workshop a week-long writing workshop facilitated by experienced arts & culture journalists from across the continent....
Described as a ‘musical satire’ and with its tongue-in-cheek title which evokes a place and also serves as a statement, Chilahaebolae is the latest theatrical production by poet, playwright, theatre director, academic and storyteller Kgafela oa Magogodi. The...
How do we define a world theatre day with an auditorium devoid of patrons? What do we call a world theatre day where we couldn't catch up with friends at the shrine? At the National Theatre? What term...
The African Theatre Magazine brings part two of the women making waves in African Theatre. Some of these are well known names but others are names you will wish you had read and known about yesterday.
In most parts of Traditional Africa, theatre was a prerogative of the woman. Women were the storytellers, the humour-artisans, the word-spinners whose grease moved the wheels of society. Men from hunting or war would return to the song-singing...
Nasarawa state in the north-central region of Nigeria is known for agriculture, salt mining, and one of the higher waterfalls in Africa. It has also consistently registered one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in Nigeria with an HIV prevalence...
Moses Tumwebaze is a full-time actor in the Ugandan Theatre industry. He is a member of The Ebonies, one of the few operational theatre companies in the country, who ply their trade at Theatre La Bonita (another one-of-the-few...